Lana Karapetyan-Marketing Strategist- Women Who Freelance Directory
Writing & Content | Branding | Digital Marketing
Janelle Langdon
Vancouver, BC

A creative copywriter, brand strategist, and wearer of many hats established in 2014.

+ Creates brand identities, big ideas, copy voices, ad strategies and marketing materials of all shapes and sizes
+ Has a knack for building new brands from the ground up
+ Has been dreaming up new brands for countless development projects around Metro Vancouver for the past 3 years
+ Spent a stint at Humber College earning a BA in Creative Advertising
+ Lover of brainstorms and rainstorms

Who is your ideal client?  Someone who’s brand values align with my own:

+ The wellbeing of people, and of the world
+ Authentic personalities, staying true to oneself
+ Arts and culture, connection, and community